Now that you’ve had some time to catch up with all the thank you letters and updates are scattered across all of your social media, you can start taking the steps to change your name. There are many different people to contact, so here are the steps to get you there with ease.

Have a copy
First things first make sure you have your original marriage license - or a certified copy to confirm that you are married. It will make your life easier when taking the next steps.


Your new license
If you change your name, then you will need a new driver's license. This process is fairly easy: just follow the DMV’s instructions.
Plan accordingly, because it may take a while to get your new ID.


Update your documents
Next up is Social Security. You’ll keep your number, but will need to update your name. Remember you will need to update your passport as well.


Change your accounts
With your new driver's license and social security card, the other changes should be fairly easy. Some places you will want to notify are: your bank, employers, post office and insurance companie.


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