Bridal bouquets

 Wedding flowers are almost always rich, and the bride's bouquet is the most observed elements. You choose what kind of bouquet, choose and what color flowers, what style.


Choose according to your choice of clothing and accessories according to your style of bouquet, make sure bouquet itself is an essential accessories that can make your guests in front of the watchful eyes shine. The most important trends or trend identification and decorative proposed instead a combination of carried away.


Color and form


Select a color bridal bouquet, and all the other flowers are usually used as the basis of this wedding (ceremony and reception) process. This does not mean that you should live in a ceremony using the same flowers, the bride's hair reception site ...... The most important is that each bride choose the most from the color of the flowers, smell, touch, and so on. Shape bouquet can be another problem. There are several types of bouquets: barbed wire, natural, layered bride, etc ... to choose a wedding bouquet according to the form, but also take into account the bride is your body and your personality.


Formalism party or no


All other items and wedding flowers follow the same simple rules. A wedding is formal or informal? Formal wedding requires more formal flowers, such as orchids or lilies of the valley. First of all, requires a mixture of containment in fancy colors and materials. Elegant and sober possible. In a less formal wedding imagination! Palette of colors and decorations.


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